Friday, December 14, 2012

Shaeed Bhagat Singh Letter

            Shaheed Bhagat Singh's Letter to Sister of Sh B K Dutt 

Stamped 17 July1930                                Central Jail
Dear Sister,
    Yesterday Battu himself wrote a letter informing you not to come here till you receive his letter. Battu was transferred yester night to some other jail. Upto this time we are quite in dark about his destination.Anyhow I would earnestly request you not to leave Banaras for Lahore. His separation is unbearable for me too.It is only today that I feel quite perplexed and every moment has become a burden. Really it is very hard to be separated with a friend more dear than my brothers. Any how we must bear all patiently . I will request you to keep courage. Do'nt  to stress. Something good will come out of it all.
                                                      Yours    Bhagat Singh

This letter was written to Shmt Promila Devi sister of Sh Bhatukeswar Dutt  from Central Jail Lahore on his transfer from that jail. It is worth noting that the Lahore Consipiracy case was withdran against him to weaken the solidarity   of Bhagat Singh and B K Dutt . This showed the panic the two had created in the minds of British rulers, who always feared that they together can create a situation which could shake their consipiracy of disposing off the revolutionary key persons.

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